Li2o lattice energy

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If you use my chemistry calculations book, you will find a slightly different set of numbers. If you are doing a course for 16 - 18 year olds, none of this really matters - you just use the numbers you are given. In the Born-Haber cycles below, I have used numbers which give a consistent answer, but please don't assume that they are necessarily the most accurate ones. Note: While I have been writing this section, the different values for the same piece of data from different data sources has driven me crazy, because there is no easy way of knowing which is the most recent or most accurate data.

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Unless you go on to do chemistry at degree level, the difference between the two terms isn't likely to worry you. However, the difference is small, and negligible compared with the differing values for lattice enthalpy that you will find from different data sources. In fact, there is a difference between them which relates to the conditions under which they are calculated. Lattice enthalpy and lattice energy are commonly used as if they mean exactly the same thing - you will often find both terms used within the same textbook article or web site, including on university sites. This page introduces lattice enthalpies (lattice energies) and Born-Haber cycles.

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